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Picking up offenses makes us feel good BUT at what cost?


Updated: Feb 4, 2024

Offenses come when we take the bait...Don't pick them up, Don't give your free will/power to the enemy. Offenses are desirable, they make us feel good by stroking our ego, flesh and self righteous judgment, when we take the bait we are saying, "We deserve to feel____" but its a trap of the enemy.

If you have taken the bait, let it go...Forgive. Forgive=Release

Forgiveness is not a feeling but a decision made on Truth. God said Do it *not feel it *not saying it was ok

*not being buddies with offender

Fruit of Unforgiveness produces a stronghold/root of bitterness.. Bible says bitterness, Defiles (stains) many.

Prayer of Release:

Father, Thank You for being our example of Forgiveness, we want to walk in Love. We choose to forgive those who have hurt us. We release them from any punishment we have pressed upon them, any word curses we have spoken over and against them. Please Lord forgive us for placing ourselves on Your Throne as Judge and Jury, cleanse us from pride and evil intent. We know unforgiveness is a takes us farther then we want to go and keeps us longer then we want to stay.

Father, we want to be Your Ambassadors of Love and we cant do that by spreading defilement and discord. May the accuser of the brethren be brought low and we not fall into the trap of offense but see that defeated foe for what he is...he is nothing. Father, bless Your Ekklasia with Supernatural eyes to see and Supernatural ears to hear You speaking Love, Mercy and Grace over Your creation..may we not place ourselves on the seat of the Judge like we are God himself but use Your blessed example of stepping out of Heaven, bending low and washing our filthy feet and hearts. We love You Father, help us to love well in Jesus mighty name..Amen!

Remember you are in this world but you are not of it. Image of hand hitting fist

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