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Karen Sabrina
IIFM Intercessor

Karen Sabrina
I am a child of the most high, King Jesus. I am a wife of a retired military Vet, Mom, Nana, daughter, sister, loyal friend, lover of God & country. A cosmetologist by trade, a world traveler by choice & an intecessory Prayer Warrior by calling! Forged in the fire of trauma, raised from the ashes, for such a time as this! God is arming us for the greatest war of our lives; the Battle for our souls. Prepare ye the way of the Lord! Matt 3:3 We can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us. Phill 4:13. We walk by faith not by sight! 2 Cor 5:7 I am 0% perfect but 100% forgiven! 1 John 1:9 Ready to stand alongside my Warrior Sisters in Christ for... It is Finished Ministry. Here I am Lord, send me! Isaiah 6:8
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