The Word I was given from Father for 2022 was INTENTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS.
I have taken that word to heart and have been stewarding over it and my relationships with friends especially my Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
I have been INTENTIONAL to let my Yes's be Yes and my No's No.
I have been INTENTIONAL to listen to what Father says about me and not the Religious Spirit of Rules and other Man Made BS.
I have been INTENTIONAL to pay attention to who is speaking into my life...I WILL not allow anyone who is not filled with the Holy Spirit and Fire to have any say over my world...whether they know God or not.
I have been INTENTIONAL to listen, hear and do what Father leads me to do REGARDLESS of my feelings of lack.
I have been INTENTIONAL to watch my confession and refuse to word curse my life or those around me even in a joking manner.
I have been INTENTIONAL to walk in His DELEGATED AUTHORITY and refuse to allow my gender, lack of education, people's ignorance or entitlement to define my walk with Jesus.
I am HIS because I AM says I am....PERMISSION NOT NEEDED!